cowboy fast draw


The Cowboy Fast Draw Association (CFDA) is the largest organization devoted to the Sport of Fast Draw to ever exist. Since 2002 we have signed up over 7,500 members. Our Motto is: Safety First, Fun Second and Competition Third.  Not that our competitions aren’t important, we shoot hundreds of events a year for prize money, prizes and titles. It’s just that we place sportsmanship and fun above the competition itself, and place safety above all.

                                                                                          CFDA “Honors the Romance and Legend of the Old West.”

Declaration: As of January 1st, 2025 (CFDA) has become Cowboy Fast Draw Association, Non-Profit Organization, was granted to the membership of CFDA by Cal & Dinah Eilrich.

Cowboy Fast Draw Association, Non-Profit Organization, a Nevada Corporation, was granted 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status on 08/14/2024 by the IRS under IRC Section 170.  This allows bequests, devices, gifts, contributions, transfers, grants, etc. to be tax deductible as a public charity.    

CFDA has about 70 affiliated clubs across North America and several countries, new clubs are forming constantly through CFDA’s “Club in the Works” program.

The Cowboy Fast Draw Association administrates the rules of the sport, sanctions contests, conducts a CFDA Range Officer Program, and maintains a Youth Safety Training Program. One of our primary goals is: “To educate as many people as possible in the safe and proper use of firearms.” Because our sport can be conducted at almost any location due to the wax bullets that we use and the backstops our clubs construct, our events are held in many public venues. We consider ourselves “Ambassadors of the Cowboy Way and Gun Safety” to the public who are spectators at our events.

You might say this all started in 1873 with Colt’s release of the Peacemaker. In the era of 1873 through the 1890’s, the Romance and Legend of the American West was unlike any other culture in the world; this time period is the premise for Cowboy Fast Draw. We use the best equipment available of the 1800’s: single action revolvers and center fire cartridges. We’re out to capture the feel of the Peacemaker in your hand, the smell of holster leather, and the exhilaration of reacting as fast as you dare while remaining cool-headed enough to hit your mark as you compete head to head in classic old west fashion. In Cowboy Fast Draw we can find out how we would have shot in the 1800’s with gunfighter period guns and rigs.

Cowboy Fast Draw is the newest and oldest shooting sport today. It is a timed sport using single action .45 caliber western style six shooters. It’s as exciting as dropping the clutch on a dragster. Check out the announcements on the events page to see where you can attend a Cowboy Fast Draw competition.

Ammunition: Wax Bullets Only! .45 colt, is the only caliber allowed in Cowboy Fast Draw. This is for three reasons:

#1. At major contests, the host supplies all of the ammunition and there is no way to accommodate multiple calibers.

#2. Wax bullets are very light and smaller calibers would increase velocities significantly, which would create a competitive advantage.

#3. Historically, the Colt Peacemaker was introduced in .45 colt and that is what our sport is based upon.

90% of Cowboy Fast Draw is done with special .45 colt casings that are modified to accept 209 shotgun primers, with no powder. These alone propel the 18 grain .45 wax bullets at approximately 650 feet per second. Therefore, they must be handled with extreme care. In CFDA Titled Championships, Cowboy Fast Draw Cartridges are usually supplied in .45 colt casings with a small charge of Hodgdon Triple 7 Black Powder Substitute, they are carefully loaded by CFDA approved personnel to move just slightly faster than the Shotgun Primer loads.

Guns: STOCK .45 caliber single actions with minimum barrel length of 4.5″, with no external alterations other than smoothing the hammer knurling. No aluminum barrels or cylinders. Front sights are optional. Actions jobs that do not alter the factory-designed external operation of the six-gun are fine.

Holsters: Pre 1900 style Mexican Loop or Slim Jim. No steel liners. Holsters will be worn on the side of the leg. No cross draws.

The Target: The original CFDA target was a 24″ (60.96cm) round disc, start light in the center, with a Lexan lens. Targets are black with white lithium grease applied to the target to verify all hits. There is a sensor attached to the back of the target which detects hits which are then displayed on digital timers. In 2015 the 17 – 3/16″ target was developed and is shot at a distance of 15′, creating the same proportions and level of difficulty as the original 24″ target.  Target distances are 15’(4.57m),  and 21’(6.40m). With the 17″ Plate at 15’ now being the mainly used CFDA Titled Championship Distance.

Time Clocks: Must time multiple lanes to the thousandth of a second. CFDA’s Official Timer is the Gunslinger Fast Draw Timer. Only timers approved by CFDA may be used in CFDA Titled Championships.

Contests: Contests are conducted elimination style, normally best 3 out of 5 between two contestants. The loser of a round receives an “X”. In major competitions when a competitor receives 4-X’s they are eliminated from the contest. However, CFDA has several elimination formats that are very popular in club and regional formats.

Shooting Style: Thumbing and fanning, trigger finger must be outside of the trigger guard. If fanning the fanning hand may not be placed in front of the shooter’s body before the start light comes on.

Clothing: Western-Style Clothing is an essential part of the atmosphere we create. Late 1800’s period clothing is the theme. No Tennis Shoes, ball caps, short sleeve shirts, or sponsor logos are permitted.

Alias: Selecting an Alias is a big part of what makes Cowboy Fast Draw so fun! Your alias may not be duplicated once it is registered with CFDA.

About CFDA Management

Short History:  The Cowboy Fast Draw Association was founded as an LLC in South Dakota in 2002 by Brad Hemmah a.k.a. Kemosabi #L1.  In 2006, was purchased by Cal & Dinah Eilrich a.k.a. Quick Cal & Alotta Lead in partnership with Shoot Magazine.  In 2007, Quick Cal & Alotta Lead took full ownership of CFDA and have run the LLC as a family-owned business since.  While it has run as a business organization, it has always depended on contributions from volunteers and a system of CFDA Affiliated Clubs throughout the U.S.. Once a year, representatives from each affiliated club called U.S. Marshals, who also must be Life Members of CFDA, gather at the Annual Marshal’s Muster held at the Fastest Gun Alive – World Championship. This round table discussion meeting is chaired by the Executive Director, where agenda items are discussed. The input from U.S. Marshals has always been critical in decisions of CFDA.

Quick Cal, Alotta Lead and their family have spent almost 20 years not only building the sport with the help of a lot of great folks across our CFDA Family, but they have also invested a lot of time and funds developing the equipment and products the sport needs to flourish.  After several family discussions the decision was made to divide the sport from the products and then grant the sport to the membership in the form of a “Non-Profit Organization” so that it could go on in perpetuity for future generations to enjoy.  If you wish to read more about it please read Quick Cal’s Article “CFDA, The Next Generation.”

However, Quick Cal & Alotta Lead and their family are still staying very much involved and committed to make sure things are all in place over the next few years to help blaze the trail for a successful future of the sport and people that we all love.

For a more detailed History of the Sport of Fast Draw and CFDA, please See our History Section.

CFDA Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board & (CEO) – Cal Eilrich a.k.a. Quick Cal (CFDA #L2)

Term (4-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

As stated in the Short History section above Quick Cal has been at the helm of CFDA for almost 20 years and remains committed to lead the new non-profit organization through its transition to a successful future. He will work with the Initial Board of Directors as it becomes the First Elected Board of Directors through the end of his term.  Throughout this time, he will also remain as Executive Director (President) running the day-to-day operations from the current CFDA Headquarters along with Alotta Lead, Jackie Daniels and Hannah Calder.  

Territorial Governors

According to Cowboy Fast Draw Association, Non-Profit Organization By-Laws, Quick Cal and Alotta Lead have hereby appointed this Initial Board of Territorial Governors.  We have a great deal of faith in the integrity of each of these dedicated members, they have shown great love and commitment for our sport.  We appreciate each of them for accepting these positions of responsibility and look forward working with them to blaze the trail forward to the future of CFDA. 

Their initial term is set simply by whether the territory they represent is either an odd or even number.  Once Territorial Governors are elected by the membership of their respective territories, they all become 2-Year terms.  This means only 50% of the Territorial Governors may change each year, which provides continuity.  For a complete understanding please refer to our CFDA, Non-profit By-Laws.

It is our sincerest hope the CFDA never becomes an organization that brews “negative internal politics”.  We should avoid that and instead keep in mind our founding principles and run our organization in the same “Cowboy Way” spirit that we have learned to build friendships with during friendly competition.  


#1.  Great Northwest Territory  –  Zane McCoy a.k.a. Crosswired (CFDA #L4576)

Term (1-Year) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I began my journey in CFDA, at age 14, in the spring of 2016. I ran across a local club at a local sportsman show that had a Try Cowboy Fast Draw set up one evening! After dragging my dad to the show the next 2 days to shoot more of this Fast Draw, I joined the CFDA family with the alias “Crosswired”!

Upon joining CFDA, I dove head-first into everything Fast Draw! My first big event was the Great Northwest Territorial Championship in Caldwell Idaho, where I made it through 7 rounds in my first main match and placed 2nd in one of the side matches!

My first U.S. Nationals was in 2017 in Deadwood, SD, where I was appointed the youngest CFDA Range Master at age 15!  Shortly after, I was appointed the youngest U.S. Marshal in CFDA to represent my local club.  My first Fastest Gun Alive – World Championship was in 2017, where I attended my first of many Marshal Musters.

I have won numerous side matches and was runner-up at the U.S. Nationals in Amarillo, Texas in 2020 and placed 6th Overall at the 2022 World Championship in 2022.  Then, on September 3rd, 2023, I finally won my first CFDA Titled Championship, Idaho State Championship, at the age of 22!

Cowboy Fast Draw is not an easy sport but is incredibly fun. It’s more than just a sport, it’s a lifestyle that I look forward to for many more years to come! 

#2.  Western Territory  –  Kellie Grilli a.k.a. Huckleberry Honey (CFDA #L4090) 

Term (2-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

Howdy folks I’m Huckleberry Honey, and I am honored to represent Territory #2 (California &
Nevada) as your Western Territorial Governor.

My husband Fowl Shot, and I started shooting CFDA in 2015 after watching my father-in-law,
Frontier Bob (Bob Grilli) shoot in The Sundowners Big Pot Shoot in Oakdale, CA. We fell in love with
CFDA, the people, friendships, camaraderie, stories, competition, history and growth, and
everyone having a good time. We were welcomed into the FAMILY and joined the Sundowner’s.
In 2020 Fowl Shot and I were honored to be appointed as Territory #2 Regulators. We now travel to
many CFDA Shoots across the country as often as our home lives allow, and usually with our son,
youth shooter Night Hawk in tow.

As your Territorial Governor, I will always strive to make a difference focused on the best interests of
the Shooters, their families, and ensure that the CFDA has a solid foundation rooted within the
values of our past, with a mission to thrive well into the future. 

#3.  Four Corners Territory – Bart Carr a.k.a. Muletrain (CFDA #L2023)

Term (1-Year) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I joined CFDA in 2010 and in 2011 was a founding member of the Rio Salado Vaqueros CFDA club here in East Mesa, Arizona.   I have been honored to serve as President of the Rio Salado Vaqueros since the club’s conception.  I received the Top Hand Award in 2012.  In 2019, my wife Southwest KC and I were appointed to serve as CFDA Regulators for the Four Corners Territory.

#4.  High Plains Territrory – Dustin Ross a.k.a. Roscoe (CFDA #L3880)

Term (2-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I am married to Erica Koller-Ross (Lady Doc). We have 2 kids 14-year-old Tucker (Marshall Tucker) and 12-year-old Harper (Hurricane Harper). We live on a Cattle Ranch by Edgemont, South Dakota. I am a Land Surveyor in the Black Hills of SD and own my own company. My wife is a veterinarian. My Father In-law is Johnny 3 Toes, not sure if I should really mention that! Ha-Ha. I grew up in Iowa and moved to South Dakota in 2007 with Erica when she came back to her hometown to be a veterinarian. We have Cattle, Horses, a Dog, Chickens, Ducks and Cats. I have held many previous jobs including Horse Trainer, Horseshoer, and Fuel delivery driver.

My wife and I began shooting fast draw in 2015. Our first titled match was the Triple crown when South Dakota held the State, Territorial, and Nationals all in one week. We really enjoy the sport and the culture that it fosters. We have met so many good people from across the Country. I love that it is an activity that my whole family can be involved in. Without that I don’t know if we would be able to make the time for it. My son Marshall Tucker was National Champion Billy the Kid shooter in 2022 in Deadwood, 5 years after his grandpa Johnny 3 toes did it in the same arena.

#5.  Great Plains Territory – Deborah Hadley a.k.a. Kansas Belle (CFDA #L1479)

Term (1-Year) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I Started In CFDA in 2009 and started traveling to shoots in 2012.  My husband got me interested in shooting as I had never shot guns and especially not just for fun.  I enjoy the friendly atmosphere and the challenge of shooting against other great competitors.

I travel with another great shooter and this really makes the trips go faster.  Being from the middle of the country the closest shoots are 5 hours and can be as great as 21 hours.  The trips have allowed me to see this great country.  I really enjoy getting to dress up to be my 1884 personality.

The highlight of my shooting career came in 2021 with winning the Fastest Gun Alive – World Championship!  But it is not all about the prizes, it’s really about all of the great people in CFDA.  In addition to shooting, I enjoy gardening, reading, and watching my grandkid’s activities.  I have 4 sons and 7 grandkids ranging in age from 21 to 5.

#6.  Southern Territory –  Kendra Short a.k.a. K.K. Kid  (CFDA #L1868)

Term (2-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I started shooting Cowboy Fast Draw in 2009 and began to compete in 2010.  I was fortunate to win my first title in 2011 at the Texas State Championship. From there, I began to learn more about the game and the balance of speed and accuracy have won over 27 titled events.

In 2014, I decided to set a new goal and attempt to break the CFDA World Record. This took some time and a lot of luck. In 2018, I finally achieved this goal with a .323 at the Southern Territorial and National Championship. A few short years later in 2021it happened again, at the Shelterwood Ranch I broke my own record with a .314 that still stands as of this writing.

When I’m not attending Fast Draw events, I work in the veterinary industry on software, with over 20 years of experience. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I spend much of my time traveling and seeing different places, whether for work or play. You can find me on a Jeep trail, at a CFDA event, or camping with my family when it comes to play.

#7.  Eastern Territory  –  Jeff Duncan a.k.a. Ringo  (CFDA #L156)

Term (1-Year) Appointed January 1st, 2025

I’ve been a member of the CFDA since 2007. I established Old Dominion Fast Draw (ODFD) in 2008. ODFD held the first CFDA State Championship East of the Mississippi and was awarded the CFDA’s Club Of The Year in 2010. In 2013, I was humbled to be awarded the very prestigious CFDA’s Sundowner Award. We then went on to hold the First CFDA Eastern Territory Championship in 2014 with the help of Virginia’s 3 other CFDA Clubs. My goal was and is, to assist others in the formation and operations of other CFDA Clubs especially in the CFDA Eastern Territory.

I have been a martial artist for 50 plus years, holding rank in several systems, and have taught hundreds of students throughout the USA. I have been an NRA firearms instructor for many years as well as trained in, and taught Executive Protection Tactics throughout the United States.

I have a love and fascination with the Old West and Western Shooting Sports. However, I am truly “Cowboy Fast Draw All the Way” and love the sport as well as the fantastic people that support and participate in it.

#8.  Great Lakes Territory  –  Hanni Yothers a.k.a. Dead Eye Daisy  (CFDA L5725)

                                                   (Elected Vice Chairman of the Board)

Term (2-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

My husband, daughter and I started shooting CFDA in 2019 to help my husband, JC Dalton, with his recovery from a stroke. We started at home shooting against each other in our garage, and then decided it would be fun to travel to a few matches. Since those early days, “a few” matches has grown into over 40 (or 50?) matches that we’ve traveled the country to compete in.

I’ve won a few events over the years, but my proudest CFDA moment was when my daughter, Flying Cowgirl, won the Ladies Fastest Gun Alive in 2019 at just 12 years old. Watching her light flash after her last hit is something I’ll never forget! After that first year, we were hooked.

As anyone who has shot in the CFDA knows, it’s the people we meet across the country and at local clubs who keep us all coming back year after year. The CFDA is a huge world-wide family, and it’s a wonderful thing to be a part of. The competition is fun and can be very fierce, but it’s the shooters who make this great game what it is. I’m honored to represent the Great Lakes members on our inaugural CFDA Board of Directors, and am excited to be involved in this next chapter of our organization.

My family lives in northern Michigan, and my husband and I own a store selling American handmade art, including my handmade jewelry, in our small downtown on Lake Michigan.


CFDA Officers of Day-To-Day Operations

Term (2-Years) Appointed January 1st, 2025

Executive Director (President):

Cal Eilrich a.k.a. Quick Cal, CFDA #L2

Executive Director, Quick Cal has been involved in competitive shooting sports since age 15 (1968). He’s a 17-Time World Fast Draw Champion dating back to 1972.  Was a member of the (USPSA) National Practical Pistol Shooting Team winning an Individual Gold Medal in Adelaide, Australia in 1990. Won a National Cowboy Action Shooting Championship (SASS).

Not only has he had an amazing career as a competitive shooter in 4 major shooting sports, he also has perhaps one of the most extensive resumes and backgrounds in the management of shooting sports, range officer programs, and administration of championship shooting tournaments in the history of shooting sports.

Quick Cal’s vision is to build CFDA into an organization that “Honors the Romance and Legends of the American Old West, grows to ten of thousands of members, and will by enjoyed by future generations to come. His lifelong goal has been to educate as many people as possible in the safe and proper use of firearms.
(See Quick Cal’s Extensive Biographies)

Treasurer (CFO) / Club & Event Director

Dinah Eilrich a.k.a. Alotta Lead, CFDA #L37

Alotta Lead is the Treasurer of CFDA and the Director of CFDA Clubs. She works in the CFDA Office daily and is the friendly voice for clubs to communicate with to carry our club or event business. She assists Quick Cal on a daily basis on general management and accounting issues.

Alotta Lead is also a champion shooter in her own right and has competed in shooting sports since 1979. She has won 11 World Fast Draw Championships, over 10 National Championships, and countless State and Regional Titles. Alotta Lead was also a champion SASS shooter, including the Nevada State Champion.

Media Director:

Erika Frisk a.k.a. Hannah Calder, CFDA #L46

Hannah Calder is the Editor of the Gunslinger’s Gazette, and handles advertising accounts. She is also in charge of CFDA Social Media assets, including the CFDA Website and CFDA Facebook Page.

As Quick Cal and Alotta Lead’s daughter, she was introduced to competitive shooting at age 10. She won a Women’s A Class World Championship at age 14. In 2005, she graduated from the University of Nevada at Reno with a Bachelors Degree in History.

She and her husband, Crossfire Calhoun, have competed in both CFDA & SASS.  They have two daughters, Miss Sunshine and Miss Em, who are both active Youth & Junior competitors.  Aside from their human children, they also have many fur babies including 2 dogs, and 2 cats who keep them on their toes.  

CFDA Family Photo
CFDA Management - (front) Quick Cal & Alotta Lead with family members at the 2023 Fastest Gun Alive

Secretary / Membership Director:

Amanda Eilrich a.k.a. “Jackie Daniels” L2472

CJ Eilrich, a.k.a. “Dead Eye Kid” L49

Jackie Daniels joined the CFDA family when she married her husband, “Dead Eye Kid” in 2012. 

She is the Secretary of CFDA & Membership Director and also oversees Product Shipments both the CFDA General Store & for Quick Cal’s Gunslinger Emporium.  When you call the CFDA office, most times you will be speaking with Jackie Daniels, and she is always so happy to help our CFDA members with whatever questions they may have.

Dead Eye Kid is the Assistant Match Director of FGA and is in charge of set-up and tear-down.

Their kids Rango and Six Gun Shelbs are very active in the sport and help out wherever needed.

Jackie Daniels 2

                                                                                Our Motto: “Safety First, Fun Second, and Competition Third”


We have multiple membership options that have been tailored for our members.